IPC World Athletics Championship in Doha (Qatar)

212 sets of medals were awarded during the IPC World Athletics Championship in 2015.

Russian athletes won 69 medals, among which were 24 gold, 21 silver and 24 bronze medals, and became silver medalists in the unofficial team placing.

Chinese team won the greatest number of medals – 85 (41 gold, 26 silver and 18 bronze medals),

Russian team won 69 and the USA team got the third place – 39 medals (13 gold, 16 silver and 10 bronze medals).

The top six teams of the world, considering the number of gold medals, included teams from Great Britain (13 gold, 9 silver and 9 bronze medals),

Tunisia (11 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medals) and Poland (9 gold, 5 silver and 7 bronze medals).

All in all sportsmen from 66 countries of the world have won medals including athletes from 44 national teams, who won gold medals.

Competition in Doha took place from October 22 to October 31.

About 1300 sportsmen from 100 countries took part in the competition; they competed not only for prizes, but also for an opportunity to participate in the Paralympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro.


Фрагменты истории ФГБУ СПбНИИФК

В соответствии с Постановлением Президиума ЦИК СССР от 27 июля 1932 года на базе Государственного института физического образования (ГИФО) им. П.Ф. Лесгафта в январе 1933 года был создан Научный институт им. П.Ф. Лесгафта, впоследствии - Ленинградский научно-исследовательский институт физической культуры (ЛНИИФК).

Первоначально Институт располагался на проспекте Динамо дом 2 (с 1933 по 2008 г.)


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